Sunday, 18 March 2007

Benna The Rabbit (OF EUSA fame)

For those of you who followed Benna's progress with Andy Gray through the EUSA elections in 2005 here is an update.

Benna is now going on 6 years old and while cheerful inself she hasnt been too well lately. She has contracted a protozoan parasite called Encephaltozoon cuniculi which forms cysts in the kidneys & in the brain. Being lucky enough to be treated early she has only developed a mild head tilt but if she runs too fast she has a tendency to fall to the left hand side. So she doesn't walk so far anymore! While her current symptoms are unlikely to improve she is still as affectionate as ever & happy in herself. I'll keep you posted!

P.s Regularly treat your bunnies as a precaution! Even if they live in the house!

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